!於4/8/2024到貨的,包裝有破損,請參考圖片,已用入膠袋封口 !** 開箱時發現包裝已疏氣,請盡快食用。正價75折, $549 (系統9折後$549)
100g: $125 (折後) ; 1kg: $659 (折後)
1kg=1000g --> 節省$591
Subject: Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Chinchillas, Degus, etc.
Features:●It is an addictive pasture grass that is harvested when full of nutrition and processed while it is still fresh, resulting in a beautiful green color and a delicious flavor.●Poaceous pasture grass with soft stems, high fiber and low calcium. It is characterized by its strong sweetness and high palatability.●Because it is packed in a soft, uncompressed bag, it boasts a small amount of powder and high quality that cannot be imitated with imported grass.●No coloring, preservatives or additives are used. You can rest assured that the material is the same.- It is a package with a chuck that is convenient for storage. As it is a nitrogen gas filled pack, it will be delivered fresh.
Country of origin: Japan